Cupping Decoded – Lifeline Acupuncture & Herbs Clinic
Cupping, like acupuncture, is a treatment used in traditional Chinese medicine. First documented almost 3,000 years ago, cupping relies...

Using Acupuncture to Heal From A Cesarean Birth – Lifeline Acupuncture & Herbs
When 32% of all US births result in cesarean section, it’s time to look for optimal ways to heal from this experience, physically and...
Acupuncture Relief From Low Back Pain – Lifeline Acupuncture & herbs Clinic
Researchers conclude that acupuncture is effective for the treatment of chronic low back pain. A randomized, controlled trial was...
Why should we put in so much effort to control our weight? – Healthy weight is essential, not option
Currently, we live in where obesity is not only a matter of shape, but a factor for various illnesses, which can define one’s pain and...