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acupuncturist in davis
Safety first


We only use needles that are

pre-sterilized, pre-packaged and disposable. Each needle is used once then deposited in biohazard container, which ensures safe disposal.

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Convenient locations


Check out our Davis and Carmichael locations. You can choose where you want to get your WELL-BEING.



Our Locations

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Affordable plans


We are in-network with major insurance companies. However, if you need to pay out-of-pocket, we do have an affordable plan just for you


Accepted Health Plan Search

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Voted by Acupuncture Today as “Best Acupuncture Clinic”
Lifeline Acupuncture & Herbs Clinic
Hong Joon Lee, L.Ac., M.S.


Welcome to Lifeline Acupuncture & Herbs Clinic.

With our slogan "Be Well, Live Well" we treat our patient with utmost care to bring you prosperity through our intricate treatment procedure.

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